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Landon Rogers
Landon Rogers

The Garden Of Words

The film focuses on Takao Akizuki, an aspiring 15-year-old shoemaker, and Yukari Yukino, a mysterious 27-year-old woman he keeps meeting at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden on rainy mornings. While Takao is skipping his morning class to design shoes, Yukari is avoiding work due to personal problems in her professional life. Yukari tells Takao nothing about herself, including her name, while Takao opens up to her, sharing his passion for shoes by offering to make a pair for her. When Takao learns Yukari's identity, emotions come to a head as both learn that they have been teaching each other "how to walk". Shinkai wrote the story as a tale of "lonely sadness", based on the meaning of the traditional Japanese word for "love", and uses shoes as a metaphor for life. The story's motifs include rain, Man'yōshū poetry, and the Japanese garden. The age difference between the two main characters and their character traits demonstrate how awkwardly and disjointedly people mature, where even adults sometimes feel no more mature than teenagers, according to Shinkai.

The Garden of Words

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Both the manga and serial novels share differences from the anime-film. In the manga illustrated by Midori Motohashi, scenes were either added or slightly modified from the anime version. For example, after the conclusion of the rainy season, Takao was unable to visit the park during the only rainy morning that summer because he had scheduled to visit the footwear college he wanted to attend, disappointing Yukari who had hoped to see him.[6] At the conclusion of the story, Yukari is seen wearing the shoes Takao had made for her.[7] In the novel, Takao prepared to study abroad in Italy for his cobbling, and had a party with his family. Before he was in Italy, he exchanged letters with Yukari every month or so, and ended up leaving his email address in one of them. Now with each others' email addresses, every message they sent avoided discussing personal issues such as if they were seeing anyone. In May 2018, he had some days off and decided to return to Tokyo, in which he reunited with Yukari at the garden and delivered his promised shoes.

The original idea for The Garden of Words came from Shinkai's desire to capture the beauty of the daily scenery in modern Tokyo and showcase it in a film. Having lived for ten years in Shinjuku,[21][34] he selected it as the location of the film and set about taking thousands of photos, upon which he created his storyboards.[20] Wanting to share the peace and harmony of his favorite locations in Japan with the hope that it would encourage people to visit,[16] Shinkai modeled the garden in the film to match Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden in Tokyo.[35] Following the earthquake in March 2011, he was worried that it could be destroyed and wanted to preserve it in an animated film.[15]

At the start of the rainy season in Tokyo with Takao Akizuki, a 15-year-old student and aspiring shoemaker, opting to skip his first class and sketch shoe designs in the garden at Shinjuku Gyo-en. There he encounters Yukari Yukino, a 27-year-old woman who is skipping work and enjoying beer and chocolate. When she notices the school crest on his uniform, Yukari bids him farewell with a poem, leaving Takao puzzled as to its origin and meaning. The two continue to encounter each other and socialize in the park on rainy mornings, but never formally introduce themselves. After Yukari expresses an interest in Takao's shoemaking, he decides to make a pair of shoes in her size. With the end of the rainy season, Takao stops visiting the park and focuses on his work.

Elzer-Peters has a B.S. in horticulture from Purdue University and a M.S. in Public Garden Management from the University of Delaware and Longwood Gardens and is a member of the Society of Fellows of Longwood Gardens. Prior to opening her marketing firm, Elzer-Peters served as the Assistant Director at Airlie Gardens, Curator of Landscape at Fort Ticonderoga, and managed educational programs, marketing programs, and horticultural staff at public gardens around the United States. She has authored nine books for Cool Springs Press, including No-Waste Kitchen Gardening, which has been translated into 13 different languages.

Speaking of visuals, Makoto Shinkai has been known to use visuals in his work to tell the story, rather than having the characters explain the exposition. Therefore, the animation and visuals of this film play a role that is just as important as the characters. For example, usually whenever rain is shown in films it is a sign that things are going to become worst. However, Makoto Shinkhai uses rain differently as when it is raining, it is an escape for our characters from reality. The beauty of the garden while it is raining makes rain seem pleasant and beautiful, and it is where our characters are at their best.

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Despite the difference in their ages and lives, they strike up a comfortable relationship that slowly evolves as they randomly meet in the same garden whenever it rains. But with the rainy season coming to a close, Takao wonders if there's enough time left to put his feelings into actions and words. What will happen between a young man and a woman when the rain falls once again?

I agree with Al, The Garden of Words felt like Makoto Shinkai refocusing himself. The Garden of Words was him doing what he does best: tell a thoughtful, sometimes painful, love story with exquisite attention to the human heart. I love how large a story he can convey in short amounts of time and with few words.

Released in May 2013, The Garden of Words is the fifth film Makoto Shinkai has directed. The film follows Takao Akizuki, a fifteen-year-old student aspiring to be a shoemaker. On rainy days, Takao skips his morning classes and spends his time in Shinjuku Gyoen, a Japanese-style garden. During one of his excursions, he encounters Yukari Yukino, a twenty-seven year old woman. As the two encounter each other more frequently, they gradually open up to one another and confide in one another their problems, finding comfort in the other's presence in spite of their age differences.

  • Accomplice by Inaction: Takao's friend Sato, considers the school administration to be just as bad as Aizawa for not doing anything to help Yukino.

  • Adults Are Useless: The adults present in the film do very little to assist Takao; his mother is an oft-absent ditz prone to chasing romances rather than contributing to household finances, while his brother is well meaning but somewhat condescending, moving out halfway through the film. Despite her age, Yukari does not fit in with the adult world, finding herself unable to solve her own problems, and her coworkers did nothing about the rumors that forced her out of the school.

  • Airplane of Love: Near the end, as Takao thinks about Yukari, an airplane flies over the school rooftop he and his friends are on.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Takao is an all-round Nice Guy who sympathize well with Yukino and even when he becomes aware that she's a literature teacher at his school, he's willing to stand up for her when he confronts Aizawa who spread malicious rumors about Yukino so students will bully her and slaps her for her mistreatment and get involved in a fight between himself and her friends.

  • Bittersweet Ending: Despite Takao and Yukari's time together allowing them to inspire one another and provide the other with an emotional outlet, the two eventually go their separate ways. Yukari moves back to her hometown in a southern part of Japan, and Takao continues to follow his dreams of becoming a shoemaker, resolving to see her again in the future.

  • Blatant Lies: Yukari states that she's meeting an old woman in the park when one of her former colleagues inquires about what she's doing.

  • Caught in the Rain: Takao and Yukari only meet when it rains; after several weeks, the two run into one another underneath a gazebo at the garden, and a storm picks up, prompting the two to return to Yukari's apartment.

  • Comfort Food: Because she has a taste disorder, Yukari binges on beer and chocolate, the two foodstuffs she can taste. However, after she begins meeting with Takao, her taste gradually returns, and her diet diversifies beyond these items.

  • Cooldown Hug: Yukino embraces Takao at the film's climax (the first contact they make in the film), stopping the latter's "The Reason You Suck" Speech and tearfully thanks him for helping her learn to walk again in the darkest time of her life.

  • Cue the Sun: A momentary break in the storm allows sunshine to illuminate Takao and Yukari after the former finishes venting his frustrations to her outside her apartment. The sunlight falling unto Yukari's face mirrors her finally opening up to Takao.

  • Empathic Environment: The weather directly mirrors the mood within the story. Takao and Yukari spend gently sprinkling mornings peacefully together. When he takes her measurements to make her shoes, the rain is distinctly more scattered as light breaks through. Later, a storm rages on outside as the two come to terms with their emotions, and golden sunbeams are cast upon them after the two reconcile at the film's climax.

  • Evil Is Petty: Aiwaza effectively forced Yukino to leave her job... just because Aizawa's boyfriend said she was hot.

  • False Camera Effects: Raindrops dot the camera in a handful of scenes to enhance the sense of immersion.

  • Flyaway Shot: The camera pans up from the park into the sky before the "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue.

  • Foot Focus: Aside from Takao being an aspiring shoemaker, Yukari's (often fancy) shoes and feet get highlighted in several scenes as part of the theme of her metaphorically learning to walk again. In particular, the fact that Yukari never wears socks or stockings of any kind leaves her feet very exposed even when she's simply dangling her shoes from her toes. There is also a prominent scene at the apex of their meetings at the park where Takao takes Yukari's foot measurements as part of a promise to make her a pair of shoes, with shots of him holding her feet and sketching an outline as she stands on a park bench. Interviews have all but confirmed that this is a case of Author Appeal. Shinkai included these scenes fully intending for them to appeal to the fetish, and both he and Kana Hanazawa (Yukari's own voice actress, herself having admitted on record to finding some women's feet quite beautiful) have expressed that if there are two things they hope viewers find a new appreciation for after seeing this film, they're rain and feet.

  • Hair Color Dissonance: Yukari's hair has a slight green tint to it here, but she is shown to have black hair during her appearance in Your Name.

  • Happy Rain: Takao and Yukari enjoy rainy days more than sunny days and only meet when it rains.

  • Hate Sink: Unlike earlier films, Aizawa is the first character written by Shinkai to have no redeemable traits and entirely for audiences to loath as she spreads gossip to get most students to bully Yukari just because she was interacting with her boyfriend.

  • Internal Homage: After Takao learns the truth behind Yukari's identity and gets into a fight with some seniors, he is seen disembarking from a train and walking to Shinjuku Gyoen in the same manner that he did at the film's beginning, save a few bandages.

  • I Will Find You: Takao resolves to find Yukari once more after the credits finish rolling.

  • Karma Houdini: Aizawa and her gang of friends manage to escape the repercussions of spreading rumors about Yukari, getting away with it because their school regarded its reputation as more important than the well-being of one of their teachers. They go unpunished even after Takao gets into a fight with them, although the real damage had already been done by that point.

  • Leaving You to Find Myself: After the events at the film's climax, Yukari and Takao have gone their separate ways and begin pursuing their own dreams and aspirations.

  • Lonely Piano Piece: Save the ending song, the soundtrack is composed entirely of melancholy piano songs that speak of loneliness.

  • Love Confession: From Takao to Yukari. It proves to be something of a breaking point in their time together as she can't legally or ethically reciprocate, and her indirect rejection makes Takao reconsider his feelings.

  • Maybe Ever After: The epilogue presents Takao and Yukari's fate ambiguously: despite being on good terms with one another, they are separated. Even though Takao resolves to see her again after they've matured further, whether or not Takao will go about doing so, and its outcomes, are left to the viewer's imagination. The Light Novel adaption epilogue of the film has a 20 years old Takao meeting up with Yukari at the Shinjyuku Gyoen park where everything started.

  • Opposites Attract: Takao is a wistful teenager who falls in love with the excitement and the mystery in Yukari's maturity, whereas Yukari is a burnt-out adult who is inspired by Takao's childlike passion.

  • Precision F-Strike: In the English dub, when Takao confronts Aizawa over what she did to Yukino, her boyfriend punches him out and at one point asks him "What the fuck is your problem?" This is the only F-bomb dropped in the movie.

  • Product Placement: Fila and Ginza Diana, two apparel brands depicted in the anime, are real. Fila is a sportswear manufacturer and Ginza Diana is a shoe company that advises their customers not to wear their shoes in the rain. Few shots with Neutrogena skin creams are present, drawn in great detail - and deliberately misspelled to avoid this trope.

  • Race for Your Love: In the climax Yukari races down the stairwell to catch Takao on his way out.

  • Real-Place Background: The garden where Takao and Yukari meet is Shinjuku Gyoen, a park located in the Shinjuku and Shibuya districts of Tokyo.

  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Takao delivers one to Yukari at the film's climax, citing her cowardice, incapacity to speak for herself, and how she had taken advantage of a student to assuage her own troubles.

  • The Reveal: While initially appearing as a mysterious older woman, Yukari is in fact a former literature teacher at Takao's school who left in psychological shambles due to false rumors about a relationship with a student.

  • Scenery Porn: In keeping with Makoto Shinkai's style, The Garden of Words features incredibly vivid and detailed settings, making use of the weather and lighting to accentuate the gardens, cityscape and even the interior shots.

  • Slave to PR: The school principal and administration let Yukino suffer instead of doing something to deal with the rumors, just to preserve the school's reputation.

  • The Stinger: A scene after the credits shows Takao at the meeting place in the park at winter, leaving a pair of new shoes and a letter for Yukari.

  • Teacher/Student Romance: Takao initially sees Yukari as an interesting individual who lives in a more mature and adventurous world than his own. Even after discovering that she's a teacher at his school, his feelings do not wane.

  • Yukari was accused of having a relation with a student prior to the events in movie. The amount of shame and bullying she has to endure for the rumors leads to the depression and melancholy state she is in when the film starts.

  • They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!: Yukari gives a distant, willful response that she is to be referred to as "Miss Yukino" (sensei in Japanese, a title that invokes superior social rank and being a teacher) following Takao's declaration of love with the intent of reaffirming that there is a professional distance between them.

  • Time-Compression Montage: Ten minutes into the film, there is a montage of key shots showing Takao during the rainy season at school, working on his shoes, and meeting Yukari at the park.

  • Ultimate Job Security: Takao initially assumes that because of Yukari's capacity to skip work so frequently, her job must be a reasonably secure one. In fact, she's on paid academic leave pending formal resignation.

  • Umbrella of Togetherness: Because Takao only skips school on rainy days, he only spends time with Yukari during downpours; they sit together beneath a tiny shelter in the park, a sanctuary from the rest of world. Takao and Yukari rapidly come to enjoy their time together and begin praying for rain every morning and every night.

  • Westminster Chimes: The September chapter starts with a scene at school where the Big Ben sound can be heard in the background.

  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: Right before the closing credits Takao details what he did after the summer had ended.

  • With Friends Like These...: Sōichirō Ito is Yukari's friend and co-worker, but does nothing to help her apart from assisting with her resignation after the damage has been done, something Yukari bitterly lampshades.

  • Would Hit a Girl: Takao slaps Aizawa after the latter gloats about getting Yukari kicked out of school. Her boyfriend is right there and much larger, so Takao immediately takes a beating.



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