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Rustam Rams
Rustam Rams

Essential Things To Buy For A Puppy

There are many different types of bed for your puppy. Most puppies love snuggling into a piece of 'Vetbed' or similar. This is a synthetic simulated sheepskin, which is hygienic, machine washable, totally non-allergenic and relatively resistant to chewing. It can also help to prevent pressure sores on bigger dogs. Buy two pieces so you use one while washing and drying the other.

essential things to buy for a puppy

Some dogs love having their own 'four-poster beds'. Many dog owners find these useful for containing their puppy and keeping them safe and out of trouble when they are alone, rather like putting a baby in a cot or play pen.When ordering a crate for your puppy, buy one big enough so that it can stretch out and stand up in when they are fully grown. Make sure that the mesh is not too big, as puppies may get their mouths caught. Put some bedding inside and tie some toys in the far end of the crate so the puppy has to go in there to play with them. Gently place your puppy in there whenever they fall asleep. You can gradually increase the time the puppy stays in the crate, and initially this should be while you are still in the room with them.Make sure your puppy has recently emptied their bladder and bowels before they settle in their crate and do not leave your puppy in the crate for more than a couple of hours during the daytime. Never use the crate as a sin-bin or you will teach your puppy to resent it. Always remove the puppy's collar when in the crate in case it gets caught up on it.A full range of crates including Crufts-branded crates can be ordered from Croft Online. You can also choose from a range of pens and crates in our online shop.

Some short-coated or recently clipped dogs can really feel the cold, so they may benefit from wearing a fitted jumper or coat while out walking. Some long-haired dogs may benefit from protective clothing to keep them clean and dry in winter weather. Make sure it fits properly and is well-tolerated by your puppy. Never make your puppy wear clothes indoors.

Choose a comfortable collar that is suitable for the breed, size and age of your puppy. Puppies grow rapidly and collars should be checked almost daily for condition and fit. These should not be so loose that they can slip over your puppy's head nor so tight that you cannot slip two fingers underneath.

A dog should travel either behind a dog guard, secured with a car-seat harness or, ideally, in a crate or fixed car cage. A crate or cage gives a dog their own space and ensures both safety and comfort.Help your puppy get accustomed to car travel by taking them out on short trips at first, ideally when they're tired enough to fall asleep. If the puppy is car sick, try fixing the crate on the back seat, as the car sways far more at the back which can cause travel sickness.

There are lots of devices (mostly harnesses and head collars) that claim to help stop dogs from pulling on the lead. Some of these rub, squeeze or pinch the dog, and tend not to be tolerated well, so shop around and make sure that your puppy is comfortable wearing it. You should allow your puppy enough time to become accustomed to any aid you ultimately choose. However, if you ensure correct training from the start, your puppy should not pull on the lead.

You are required by law (under the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005) to clear up after your dog in public areas and dispose of the bag in an appropriate bin. You will need a supply of poo bags, sandwich bags or nappy sacks to take with you whenever you are out with your puppy.

Short-coated dogs need to be groomed regularly, especially when they are moulting as their short hairs get can get stuck on everything! Use a rubber-toothed brush or a short-bristled brush, which massages the skin and works out the loose hair.Breeds with medium to long coats or thick undercoats need gentle de-tangling every day to keep them knot free. The main problem areas that need the most attention tend to be behind the ears, between the toes, under the feet, in the armpits, the backs of the legs and around the tail. Some dogs will need to have their beards or hair around their eyes cleaned regularly.If you intend to exhibit your puppy in the show ring, they may need to have their coat trimmed into a special shape, or need hand-stripping or clipping. Your breeder, groomer, ringcraft class or breed club can advise you on the best way to achieve this. Find contact details for your breed club.Always brush your puppy slowly and gently. Gradually introduce the concept of grooming in very short sessions. If your puppy tries to bite the brush, put some taste deterrent on the brush so they learn not to bother.Some dogs will need to have their nails trimmed if they get too long. If your dog has dew-claws (like little thumbs on the inside of its 'wrists') they should be checked frequently as these do not get worn down naturally and can grow in a circle and cut into the flesh. You can learn to trim the nails yourself or have a vet or groomer do it for you.In particular, dogs with white or sparse coats can be susceptible to sunburn, so use a high-factor sun cream on their ears and other exposed areas in hot sunny weather.

Dogs only need to be bathed every few months, unless they have been swimming or have rolled in something smelly. Use a dog shampoo and put a non-slip mat down if using the bath. Towel-drying your puppy is important and will get them used to being dried when they come home wet from a walk.

Gum disease is far too common in middle-aged dogs and can lead to all sorts of health problems, so it pays to brush your puppy's teeth. Use special canine toothpaste, which comes in tasty flavours and does not foam (unlike human toothpaste) with a special rubber thimble for dogs' teeth.

QUICK UPDATE: We are only recommending one product (our favorite) per category. It was difficult to always pick the best/favorite so please do your own due diligence and find what works best for your puppy

If you never had a puppy then get ready for some unwanted chewing of among other things furniture, clothes, shoes, hands, and feet. A good dog chew will help redirect this unwanted behavior until your puppy matures and sheds his puppy teeth. Our favorite dog chew for both our puppies and older dogs are Bully Sticks

Guess what? Your puppy is going to have accidents in the house. Even if you stick to a strict potty training schedule there will always be a miscue. Never fear Rocco & Roxie makes a great stain & odor remover that we use with our puppies.

When we brought home Elsa her breeder gave us a basket full of puppy products. One essential product we originally did not have on our new puppy checklist was pumpkin. If your dog never has an upset stomach or loose stool then she will most likely not need pumpkin as a supplement. On the other hand, if your puppy has mushy poop then Weruva Pumpkin Patch Up is a godsend as it helps make for more solid poopies.

Our second Guide puppy Derby had several accidents on the car ride home and made a little mess on the seats and floor mats. Ever since then we always have rags on hand to keep the car and all areas of the house clean of puppy pee, poop, and vomit.

QUICK TIP: Be careful with a travel kennel especially if your puppy is not yet crate trained because they may decide to chew through the mesh lining destroying your expensive investment.

Learn everything you can before, during, and after bringing home your puppy. We have stacks of books on training puppies, dogs, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and every bit of information we can get to learn how to have a better relationship with our dogs and puppies.

We did our due diligence and researched many different pet insurance companies and narrowed our search down to Healthy Paws. Why? Our close friends rang up bills of over $50K for their current puppy. If not for Healthy Paws they would not have been able to afford the bills and the puppy would have been put down.

For our Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever puppies, we use a 36-inch Midwest Life Stages Dog Crate. The Midwest crates come with a wire divider that allows you to resize the crate as your puppy grows.

One essential item we put in the crate with our puppies on the first night is the Calmeroos Puppy Toy with Heartbeat and Heat Pack. This has helped many of our pups sleep through the first night without a peep.

As service dog puppy raisers we follow the rules the school has laid out for new puppies for decades. When it comes to the first week the service dog school asks us to take it easy and let our puppies get used to their new home.

Colby Morita has been raising and training guide and service dog puppies for over 13 years. He has puppy graduates from Guide Dogs of America, Tender Loving Canine Assistance Dogs, Cascade Service Dogs, and Canine Support Teams. Colby has been writing to the blog and sharing his puppy training tips from his experiences since 2007. Follow his puppy adventures at Facebook YouTube Twitter Pinterest

If you have other pets, you likely already have a vet on speed dial. If not, do your research, find a reputable vet in your area, and call for more information about their services. Once you find a vet you like, schedule an appointment and bring your puppy in for his very first check-up.

Puppy training can be a great way for your new puppy to learn everything from basic commands and how to walk on a leash to how to interact with other dogs. And if you get in on the training sessions, it can also be a great way for you to start building a bond with your new pet!

If you have friends or family members with dogs, ask them for recommendations for your new puppy! Do they have a dog groomer they love? A pet sitter they swear by? An amazing dog park where your pet can socialize? Get the scoop before you bring your puppy home!

An elevated bed is good for keeping your pup lifted and is helpful for teaching different cues. This one from K&H Pet Products has a removable, washable cover and is waterproof. Depending on the size you choose, it can hold up to 200 pounds and last well beyond the puppy stage. 041b061a72


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