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Lucas Gonzalez

Chris Brown - Come Together (Audio) Ft. H.E.R. HOT!

121. The NPRM also seeks comment on updating the schedule for CAF BLS support recipients to file optional quarterly line counts on the FCC Form 507 or, alternatively, eliminating optional quarterly line counts entirely. Additionally, the NPRM seeks comment on revising the process by which a support recipient can relinquish its ETC designation by requiring a certification that all outstanding universal service issues have been satisfied prior to relinquishment. Taken together, all of these proposals will reduce burdens on carriers and the Commission and will encourage carriers to become more efficient and productive.

Chris Brown - Come Together (Audio) ft. H.E.R.


Conference Advance: CNN Tours DetailedConference Advance: News Division Program Outline - Atlanta, 1994Conference Advance: How Do You Get the Newsroom's Attention? Let's Have Lunch!Conference Advance: Conference Update - Atlanta, 1994It's a First! News Division Silent AuctionOn Its Way to You Now!!! The 1994 Membership Directory of the News Division (Thanks to Datatimes)Regional Workshop Reinforces The Benefits Of NetworkingNews Division CalendarA Follow-Up On The Photo Survey's Minimal Response With A Look At An Interim Approach To Electronic PicturesKeeping A News Library In FocusLibrary on Location ... This Time It's LillehammerUtility Player Fits Like A Glove In The Sporting News ArchivesNews Division Elections - Ballots Due Back By April 15PeopleNotes From The ChairThe Aside Bar: Does Pink Floyd Sing Our Anthem?The Electronic Picture Library At The Los Angeles TimesCopyright Registration Process Streamlined, Less Costly NEWS DIVISION of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION ARCHIVES INDEX DATE: MONDAY April 11,*1994* CATEGORY: NEWS LIBRARY NEWS *1994* Vol. XVI No.2 EDITION:*WINTER* PAGE: 19 SOURCE: By Debra Bade CONFERENCE ADVANCE CNN TOURS DETAILED CNN is pleased to invite you to join us during your visit to Atlanta for the 1994 SLA Conference. The 1994 Preliminary Conference Program will give News Division members the option to register for a 45-minute studio tour of CNN's Atlanta headquarters on Sunday, June 12 at either 5:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. departing from the CNN Studio Tours booth on the main level of CNN Center. You'll get a bird's-eye view of our newsroom, a closer look at how news comes together at CNN and where the information goes via satellite to its destinations around the world. A minimum of 30 people is needed for the tour with a maximum of 35 suggested. The $6.00 charge for the tour should be included in the registration fee you send off to SLA. As the tour ends the guides will drop people off at the CNN Library open house. Those not interested in the studio tour but wishing to attend the open house make make arrangements by contacting me: Debra Bade, at (404)827-5833. The open house only group will meet at 5:45 pm at the main CNN and Headline News security entrance. We have North and South Towers - - and this security entrance is actually between the two towers on the end of the building opposite the Omni Hotel and right next to Wachovia Bank. You will need to take the escalator up one level to reach the security entrance. CNN Center is a fairly easy walk from most of the major downtwon hotels and also can be conveniently reached by taking MARTA, Atlanta's transit system, to the OMNI STATION. Watch for a map in the pre-conference issue of News Library News. We're looking forward to seeing all of you at CNN in June. KEYWORDS: CONFERENCE 1994END OF DOCUMENT.To the top.NEWS DIVISION of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATIONARCHIVES INDEX DATE: MONDAY April 11,*1994* CATEGORY: NEWS LIBRARY NEWS *1994* Vol. XVI No.2 EDITION:*WINTER* PAGE: 18 CONFERENCE ADVANCENEWS DIVISION PROGrAM OUTLINE - ATLANTA, 1994SATURDAY, JUNE 114pm- ? - News Division tour of Atlanta Journal-Constitution News Research and Electronic Information ServicesDepartments (this will include the 511, and Prodigy areas).Description: Guided tours of the AJC News Research , 511, and Access Atlanta (Prodigy) Departments. Tour attendees should meet in the lobby of the Atlanta Journal & Constitution Building lobby at 3:45 P.M. The tours should last about 2 hours.Division members must arrange their own transportation. The paper is located at 72 Marietta St. N.W. This is within walking distance (about 10 blocks) of the conference hotels, and is 3 blocks from the Five Points MARTA station. Cab fare from the conference hotels should be around $5. This event is open to NWS Division members and guests only.A reception hosted by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution will follow in the NWS Division Hospitality Suite beginning at 6 P.M.Contact: Beverly Shepard at (404) 526-5213. SUNDAY, JUNE 129am-4pm - NWS CE Course - The Electronic Landscape: New Products, Methods, & ResponsibilitiesDescription: The electronic landscape in which we work demands that news organizations quickly adopt new methods of providing information including packaging it in ways that reflect the needs and interests of individual readers or viewers. It also brings new stresses and questions to the corporate structure and its employees -- how will the work environment and our jobs change as communication and technology change -- how might a company's leaders respond most effectively and creatively to those changes?A team of leaders in television and print fields as well as those involved in the telecommunications industry and superhighway development will examine specific technologies that impact the news industry. This session also will look at new legal concerns and responsibilities for those in the news industry who are both information providers and users and discuss ways of safely navigating the sea of information.Contact: Debra Bade at (404) 827-5833. 4pm-5pm - NWS Division Board Meeting 6pm-? - Tour of CNN library and Suite reception sponsored by CNN.Description: CNN Studio Tours will be available to the NWS Division at 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. - preceding the library tour. For the Studio tours, please meet at the Studio Tours Office in the main level of the CNN Center at least 5 minutes prior to scheduled tour time. There is a charge of $6 per person to take the Studio Tours. The Library tour is free. To attend the library tour only, please meet at the security desk in the middle tower (take escalator up from the main level - you will be next to the Headline News Offices) at 5:45 p.m. These tours are open only to NWS Division members and guests.Division members must arrange their own transportation. The CNN Center is located at the corners of Techwood and Marietta. This is within about 10 blocks of the conference hotels. Taxi fare should be about $5, or you can take MARTA to The Omni-World Congress Center MARTA stop which is at the CNN Center.A reception hosted by CNN will follow in the Division Suite beginning at 8 p.m.Contact: Debra Bade at (404) 827-5833. MONDAY, JUNE 1310:30am-Noon and 9-5 - Is Something Better than Nothing? Update on Image Archive Solutions.Description: Small group discussions of currently available electronic archiving solutions. SLA ''expert'' volunteers will offer suggestions and guidelines.Following this program will be several hands-on training workshops with a variety of image solutions hardware and software. Attendees may sign-up for these afternoon workshops during the Update on Image Archive Solutions sessions. There will be a 9 am - 10:30 am workshop session available as well. To sign up for this time slot, please contact M.J. Crowley. There also will be a sign up sheet available in the division suite prior to this session.Contact: M.J. Crowley at (215) 854-4665.Noon-1:15 - CQ Lunch -Lunch sponsored by Congressional Quarterly. NOTE: If you have questions, or would like to volunteer to help, please contact: Barbara Hijek at (813) 226-3372 1:30pm-2:45 - Environmental Information in the NewsNWS will co-sponsor with ERM.Description : TBAContact: Aurora Davis at (816) 234-44513:00pm-4:15 - NWS Business Meeting6pm-? - NWS Open House - Sponsored by Datatimes TUESDAY, JUNE 147:30-8:45am - NWS Breakfast - NewsBank10:30am-Noon and 9-5 - Next Wave in Text RetrievalPanel of experts in field of text retrieval will discuss new trends in electronic retrieval of information.Description: As platforms and software develop greater capabilities, newspapers face the challenge of moving their text databases to a new wave of text retrieval solutions. A panel of experts will present the possible greater capabilities of a new generation of software and the options of hardware. Speakers will discuss: improved features, SGML, User Interfaces and GUI's as well as the migration experience of moving existing data into new environments.Following this program will be several hands-on training workshops with a variety of text retrieval software. Attendees may sign-up for these afternoon workshops during the Next Wave of Text Retrieval session. There will be a 9am- 10:30 workshop session available as well. To sign up for this time slot, please contact Kathy Foley. There also will be a sign up sheet available in the division suite prior to this session.Contact: Kathy Foley at (202) 334-6765Noon-1:15 - Promoting the News Library in Your Organization!Description: This brown bag luncheon program will present tried and true methods for gaining exposure and improving the profile of the news researcher within the organization. News researchers, public relations experts, and PR Committee members will show you how to shine!Contact: Sperry Olsen at (919)956-24211:30-2:45 - News Libraries: Year 2000: News Research and the NewsroomDescription: The demands on the news library will continue to grow - generate revenue, anticipate new technology, manage integration of media. How can we keep strong our primary franchise of providing required information services to the newsroom? What will our new roles be as the information revolution moves us from information intermediary to an end user environment? The Poynter Institute for Media Studies will sponsor and facilitate this group exercise. 3:00pm-4:15 - News Libraries: Year 2000 continuesContact: Nora Paul at (813) 821-94944:15-5:15 - NWS Division Board meeting6:00 p.m. - 9 p.m. - NWS Division Awards Reception and Banquet.Description: This event will be held at the Buckhead Club in the Atlanta Financial Center, 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E.The Buckhead Club is a private dining club situated in the heart of Buckhead - Atlanta's prestigious business, cultural, and entertainment district. Located on the top two floors of the Atlanta Financial Center, the Buckhead Club offers a rare blend of gourmet cuisine, impeccable service, luxurious style, and spectacular views of the city to create southern hospitality at its finest.Division members will need to provide their own transportation. The Club is located about 10 miles from the Conference Hotels. It is easily accessible by private car, taxi, or by using the MARTA. If taking MARTA, exit at the Lennox stop. The Financial Center is about a 1/2 mile walk through the Lennox Square mall.Cocktail reception is hosted by UMI.Ticket price - $55.Contact: John Cronin at (617) 426-3000, ext. 680.9pm-? - NWS Open House WEDNESDAY, JUNE 157:30-8:45am - NWS Breakfast - Developing a Net for NewsDescription: An introduction to information and services available on the Internet specific to the needs of News Researchers and Journalists.Contact: Barbara Semonche at (919)962-12049:00am-11:00 - SLA Annual Business Meeting11:30am-1:00pm - Core Competencies for Information Professionals in the Nineties Description: This session will explore some of the core competencies information professionals will need as society and technology evolve in the coming decade. Thes session will cover how professionals can remain viable in the information industry as these changes occur. How library schools can prepare students and practitioners for these changes will also be discussed.NWS is co-sponsoring with Education, Library Management, Museum, Arts, Humanities, and Telecommunications.Contact: Alison Head at (707) 526-8520.1:00pm-2:30pm - Pathways to Involvement: International Special Libraries.Description: A moderated panel on International Special Libraries and the availability of resources for involvement.Sponsored by The Freedom Forum and SLA International Information Exchange Caucus.Contact: Phyllis Lyons at (703)284-2864.2:30-4:00pm - Making Technology Work for You in the Small LibraryDescription: Small libraries experience unique problems when trying to implement technology into their libraries. Speakers will share their experiences in 1) shopping for and implementing a text system in their library; 2) introducing database searching through commercial databases; 3) how to find databases that are cheap and; 4) how to offer a profitable research service without adding staff.Contact: Diane Sponsler at (309) 829-9411.4:15-5:30 - NWS - Broadcast Committee ProgramDescription: TBA Contact: Carol Ashurst at (416) 928-6150.6:00pm - ? - NWS Open House - Dialog - Vu/Text sponsor THURSDAY, JUNE 1610am - 2pm - NWS Division 70th Anniversary brunch reception and tour sponsored by Mead Data Central.Description: This anniversary event will be held at the Carter Presidential Center and will include tours of the museum and library. Buses will leave the Marriott at 9:15 a.m. and will return to the Marriott at 2:30 p.m.. The Carter Presidential Center is located at One Copenhill. Telephone: (404) 420-5112.Contact: Kathy Kramer at (800)253-5624, ext. 6245. KEYWORDS: CONFERENCE 1994END OF DOCUMENT.To the top.NEWS DIVISION of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION ARCHIVES INDEX DATE: MONDAY April 11,*1994* CATEGORY: NEWS LIBRARY NEWS *1994* Vol. XVI No.2 EDITION:*WINTER* PAGE: 17 CONFERENCE ADVANCE HOW DO YOU GET THE NEWSROOM'S ATTENTION? LET'S HAVE LUNCH! The Publicity and Public Relations Committee of the News Division is sponsoring a luncheon at the SLA conference in Atlanta on Tuesday, June 14, 1994. The program, titled ''Promoting the News Library in YOUR Newsroom,'' will include a guest speaker, an opportunity to get materials from our P.R. Clearinghouse, and a panel and group discussion of P.R. ideas that YOU use.What we need from you are IDEAS! We need you to share the various ways that you promote yourself and your department. How do you let your Newsroom know about the services and sources you provide? Everyone attending this luncheon should bring at least one P.R. idea.Do you publish a newsletter? Do you attend story budget meetings? What is the name of your department? Do you network and participate in professional organizations other than SLA?We are hesitant to give too many examples for fear that it will limit the scope of ideas you bring. Be creative so that we'll have lots of ideas to take back to work. If you have any questions about the program, call Sperry Olsen, News Researcher at The News & Observer in Durham, NC, at (919)956-2421.END OF DOCUMENT. To the top. NEWS DIVISION of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION ARCHIVES INDEX DATE: THURSDAY August 18,*1994* CATEGORY: NEWS LIBRARY NEWS *1994* Vol. XVI No.2 EDITION:*WINTER* PAGE: 17 SOURCE: By Mary Kate Leming CONFERENCE ADVANCE CONFERENCE UPDATE - ATLANTA, 1994 First the good news . . . the Atlanta conference appears to be coming together. So, to help you with your budget planning, I have included a complete schedule of events, with contacts for each program. These are YOUR programs. Please plan to get involved! Any of the people listed would be more than happy to have your assistance.Now for the bad news . . . as always, we are looking at some pretty hefty expenses for equipment rental for conference programs. And, as always, we are trying to recruit sponsors for sessions, days, or the entire week, to cover these costs. Sessions costs are about $500, daily costs average around $1,400, or some lucky sponsor could cover the entire week for about around $4,000! Please mention to any of your favorite vendors this opportunity to show their support of the News Division! Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.Other expenses to keep in mind:1) We have a full 6 days of conference events scheduled. Please plan to arrive on Saturday for the tour of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, and do not leave until after Thursday's 70th anniversary reception being hosted by Mead Data Central at the Carter Presidential Center (P.S. . .the Baseball Caucus is going to be getting tickets for the Braves game Thursday afternoon as well. . .so don't plan on leaving until at least the 9th inning!)2) For the 1994 Annual Conference, SLA will house all program activities in the co-headquarters hotels: The Atlanta Hilton and Towers and the Atlanta Marriott Marquis. Current arrangements call for the SLA exhibits to be split between the Hilton and Marriott Hotels. SLA Conference Registration will be held at the Atlanta Hilton and Towers.Room rates are expected to be $119 - $164 (single) and $129 - $174 (double).3) There will be suite fees in Atlanta.4) Ticket prices for ticketed events are included in the attached schedule.We are pretty locked into programs and scheduling at this point, but if you have any major questions, vendor suggestions, etc., please feel free to give me a call: Mary Kate Leming (407)820-4498, or via E-Mail at: 76666.151@COMPUSERVE.COM, or PBPOST@DELPHI.COM, or HWMP07A@PRODIGY.COM. HAPPY BUDGETING!Last year the News Division conference attendance was 227. Let's get more people to conference in 1994. This is a great opportunity for our division to showcase our abilities, our special library concerns, our ability to educate and mentor our peers, and last - but not least - our ability to throw one heck of a party! See you in Atlanta! KEYWORDS: CONFERENCE 1994END OF DOCUMENT. To the top. NEWS DIVISION of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION ARCHIVES INDEX DATE: MONDAY April 11,*1994* CATEGORY: NEWS LIBRARY NEWS *1994* Vol. XVI No.2 EDITION:*WINTER* PAGE: 17 IT'S A FIRST!NEWS DIVISION SILENT AUCTION When: June 1994 Where: News Division Suite (tentative), Atlanta, Ga. Needed: Articles of interest - promotional items from your company as well as your local area such as cups, t-shirts, tote bags, etc. Also, editorial cartoons and anything else that would be interesting. Let's make it happen! For further information, contact: Patti Graziano, Plain Dealer Library, 1801 Superior Ave., Cleveland, OH 44114; Phone (216)999-4195.END OF DOCUMENT. To the top. NEWS DIVISION of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION ARCHIVES INDEX DATE: MONDAY April 11,*1994* CATEGORY: NEWS LIBRARY NEWS *1994* Vol. XVI No.2 EDITION:*WINTER* PAGE: 16 MEMBERSHIP ON ITS WAY TO YOU NOW!!! THE 1994 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY OF THE NEWS DIVISION (THANKS TO DATATIMES) Every member of the Division will receive a free copy; to order additional copies, send a check for $30 to: Kee Malesky 1021 Newton St. NE Washington, DC 20017-1763 NEW STUDENT MEMBERSSusan K. Berson 719 Franklin St Denver, CO 80218 ph: 303/355-2798 Kyle R. Capp 399 S 12th St #1 San Jose, CA 95112-2232 Eileen G. Deegan US Information Agency Amer Illustrated 301 Fourth St SW #444 Washington, DC 20547 ph: 202/619-4208 Linda E. Deitch 2328 Waterpointe Ct Columbus, OH 43209-3327 Alyce E. Diamandis Tampa Tribune Co Library 202 S Parker St Tampa, FL 33606 ph: 813/259-7379 Patricia K. Dillon 2609 E Second St Long Beach, CA 90803 Patricia A. Ford 1360 Taylor St #6 San Francisco, CA 94108 Glenn E. Johnson-Grau 1854 W 84 Pl Los Angeles, CA 90047-3001 Joanne Kowalenok 4860 Avery Detroit, MI 48208 Marie B. Landry 755 Lakeland Dr Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Jane S. Meyer 1206 Admiralty La Foster City, CA 94404 M. Dawn M


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