The Ultimate Guide to Daygame Nitro by Nick Krauser
Daygame Nitro Nick Krauser 14.pdf: A Review
If you are interested in learning how to approach and attract women in the daytime, you may have heard of Daygame Nitro, a book by Nick Krauser. Nick Krauser is a former investment banker who quit his job to become a full-time pickup artist. He claims to have approached over 10,000 women in the streets of London and other cities around the world. In Daygame Nitro, he shares his insights and techniques on how to master the art of daygame.
Daygame Nitro Nick Krauser 14.pdfl
The main concepts of Daygame Nitro
Daygame Nitro is not a typical pickup book that teaches you canned routines and scripted lines. Instead, it focuses on the principles and mindsets that underlie successful daygame. According to Nick Krauser, daygame is different from night game because it requires more subtlety, spontaneity and calibration. You can't rely on loud music, alcohol or social proof to create attraction. You have to use your verbal skills, body language and personality to make an impression on a girl who is not expecting to be approached.
The four stages of daygame
Nick Krauser divides daygame into four stages: opening, hooking, vibing and closing. Each stage has its own purpose and challenges.
Opening: This is when you initiate the conversation with a girl. The goal is to get her attention and make her stop. Nick Krauser recommends using direct openers that express your interest and compliment her appearance. For example, "Excuse me, I know this is random, but I just saw you walking by and I had to tell you that you look absolutely stunning."
Hooking: This is when you make her interested in talking to you. The goal is to get her to invest in the conversation and show some signs of attraction. Nick Krauser suggests using statements of empathy, assumptions and cold reads to build rapport and curiosity. For example, "You look like you're in a hurry. Are you late for something?" or "You have a very artistic vibe. Are you into music or painting?"
Vibing: This is when you create an emotional connection with her. The goal is to make her feel comfortable and excited around you. Nick Krauser advises using stories, jokes, teasing and flirting to generate emotions and sexual tension. For example, "You know what? You're trouble. I can tell by your smile. You're one of those girls who likes to break hearts." or "You have a very cute accent. Where are you from? Oh, really? I love that place. I went there last year and had an amazing time."
Closing: This is when you get her contact details or invite her for an instant date. The goal is to move the interaction forward and set up a future meeting. Nick Krauser recommends using time constraints, false disqualifiers and trial closes to gauge her interest and availability. For example, "Listen, I have to go soon, but I really enjoyed talking to you. You seem like a cool person. Do you have WhatsApp?" or "Hey, I'm feeling thirsty. There's a nice coffee shop around the corner. Do you want to join me for a quick drink?"
The three types of girls and how to approach them
Nick Krauser categorizes girls into three types based on their level of attraction and receptivity: yes girls, maybe girls and no girls. He explains how to identify and handle each type.
Yes girls: These are the girls who are instantly attracted to you and show clear signs of interest. They smile, laugh, touch you and ask you questions. They are easy to close and often agree to an instant date. Nick Krauser says that you should be confident, playful and assertive with these girls. Don't overthink or overcomplicate things. Just escalate and lead them to the next step.
Maybe girls: These are the girls who are somewhat attracted to you but also have some doubts or reservations. They give mixed signals, such as eye contact, but short answers, or compliments, but excuses. They are harder to close and require more time and effort. Nick Krauser says that you should be patient, persistent and calibrated with these girls. Don't give up or get frustrated. Just keep the conversation going and try to increase their attraction and comfort.
No girls: These are the girls who are not attracted to you at all and show clear signs of disinterest or rejection. They ignore, avoid, interrupt or insult you. They are impossible to close and not worth your time. Nick Krauser says that you should be polite, respectful and detached with these girls. Don't take it personally or get angry. Just move on and find another girl.
The six elements of attraction
Nick Krauser identifies six elements that make a man attractive to women in daygame: looks, style, voice, body language, vibe and game. He explains how to improve each element.
Looks: This is your physical appearance, such as your face, hair, skin, teeth and height. Nick Krauser admits that looks matter, but they are not everything. He says that you can improve your looks by taking care of your hygiene, grooming, fitness and health.
Style: This is your fashion sense, such as your clothes, shoes, accessories and colors. Nick Krauser believes that style is important because it reflects your personality, status and taste. He says that you can improve your style by dressing appropriately for the occasion, wearing clothes that fit you well and suit your body type, and choosing colors that match your skin tone and hair color.
Voice: This is your vocal quality, such as your tone, volume, pitch and accent. Nick Krauser argues that voice is crucial because it conveys your emotions, intentions and confidence. He says that you can improve your voice by speaking louder, slower and deeper, using pauses and inflections, and avoiding filler words and uptalk.
Body language: This is your non-verbal communication, such as your eye contact, posture, gestures and facial expressions. Nick Krauser claims that body language is essential because it shows your attitude, mood and interest. He says that you can improve your body language by maintaining strong eye contact, standing straight and relaxed, using open and expressive gestures, and smiling genuinely.
Vibe: This is your overall energy, such as your mood, humor and charisma. Nick Krauser asserts that vibe is vital because it affects how people feel around you. He says that you can improve your vibe by being positive, enthusiastic and fun-loving, using humor and teasing, and being authentic and congruent.
Game: This is your verbal skill, such as your conversation topics, stories and techniques. Nick Krauser maintains that game is important because it demonstrates your intelligence, creativity and social savvy. He says that you can improve your game by reading more books, watching more movies, traveling more places, learning more skills, and practicing more daygame.
The pros and cons of Daygame Nitro
Daygame Nitro is not a perfect book. It has its strengths and weaknesses. Here are some of the pros and cons of Daygame Nitro.
The pros: Practical advice, real examples, humor and honesty
One of the main advantages of Daygame Nitro is that it provides practical advice that you can apply immediately in the field. Nick Krauser does not only explain the theory behind daygame but also gives specific tips on how to execute each stage of the interaction. He also includes real examples from his own experience to illustrate his points. He shows how he opens different types of girls in different situations with different outcomes.
The cons: Controversial opinions, repetitive content, poor editing
One of the main drawbacks of Daygame Nitro is that it contains some controversial opinions that may offend some readers. Nick Krauser does not shy away from expressing his views on women, sex, society and culture. He often uses derogatory terms, such as sluts, bitches and cunts, to refer to women. He also makes generalizations and stereotypes about different races and nationalities. He admits that he is a misogynist, a racist and a narcissist.
Another disadvantage of Daygame Nitro is that it has some repetitive content that may bore some readers. Nick Krauser tends to repeat the same concepts and examples throughout the book. He also uses a lot of filler words and phrases, such as "as I said before", "to be honest" and "in my opinion". He could have made the book shorter and more concise by eliminating the unnecessary repetition and filler.
A final drawback of Daygame Nitro is that it has some poor editing that may annoy some readers. Nick Krauser does not seem to have proofread or edited his book properly. The book has many spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. It also has some formatting issues, such as inconsistent fonts, sizes and colors. The book could have benefited from a professional editor or proofreader.
The verdict: Is Daygame Nitro worth reading?
Daygame Nitro is a book that has its pros and cons. It is not a book for everyone. It is a book for men who are interested in learning how to approach and attract women in the daytime using direct and honest methods. It is also a book for men who are willing to overlook the controversial opinions, repetitive content and poor editing of the author.
If you are one of those men, then Daygame Nitro may be worth reading. It may teach you some valuable lessons and skills that can improve your daygame and your dating life. It may also entertain you with some funny and interesting stories and anecdotes from the author's experience.
If you are not one of those men, then Daygame Nitro may not be worth reading. It may offend you with some offensive and disrespectful views on women and other groups of people. It may also bore you with some redundant and unnecessary information and examples. It may also annoy you with some sloppy and unprofessional writing and editing.
The choice is yours. You can decide whether Daygame Nitro is a book that suits your taste and preference.
In conclusion, Daygame Nitro is a book by Nick Krauser that teaches you how to master the art of daygame. It covers the main concepts, such as the four stages of daygame, the three types of girls and the six elements of attraction. It also provides practical advice, real examples, humor and honesty. However, it also has some controversial opinions, repetitive content and poor editing that may turn off some readers.
Daygame Nitro is not a perfect book. It has its strengths and weaknesses. It is up to you to decide whether it is worth reading or not.
Here are some common questions and answers about Daygame Nitro.
Q: Who is Nick Krauser?
A: Nick Krauser is a former investment banker who quit his job to become a full-time pickup artist. He claims to have approached over 10,000 women in the streets of London and other cities around the world.
Q: What is daygame?
A: Daygame is the art of approaching and attracting women in the daytime, such as in parks, malls, cafes or streets.
Q: What is Daygame Nitro?
A: Daygame Nitro is a book by Nick Krauser that teaches you how to master daygame. It focuses on the principles and mindsets that underlie successful daygame.
Q: What are the pros and cons of Daygame Nitro?
A: The pros are practical advice, real examples, humor and honesty. The cons are controversial opinions, repetitive content and poor editing.
Q: Is Daygame Nitro worth reading?
A: It depends on your interest, taste and preference. If you are interested in learning how to approach and attract women in the daytime using direct and honest methods, then it may be worth reading. If you are not, then it may not be worth reading.